Learn the essentials and follow our quick start guides to get properly started with Plecto.
Learn how to add your data to Plecto. We support importing data via integrations, API, SQL, or manually.
Learn how to create formulas and visualize your data on dashboards, reports, contests, and more.
Learn about Performance Agreements, Notifications, Contests, Reward Store, and more.
Learn how to create real-time dashboards and reports in Plecto.
Learn about user management in Plecto and how to organize your teams and employees.
Plecto has a free mobile app for iOS and Android. Find out how to use it.
Find relevant information about your account settings, billing, and security.
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Dashboards & Reports
Use performance dashboards to visualize your KPIs. Everything updates automatically in real time.
Create highly customizable reports and schedule an export to receive updates automatically.
Display Plecto dashboards, contests, and URL content on TVs around the office or at home.