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Step 1: Get your ACS URL from Plecto

ACS URL stands for Assertion Consumer Service URL and is also referred to as the service provider sign-in URL or recipient URL. You will need to use this URL when configuring OneLogin in step 2.

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Click the Enable SSO checkbox.

  3. Copy the URL from the ACS URL field.

  4. Proceed to OneLogin and Step 2.

Step 2: Configure OneLogin

  1. Go to > Applications > Add app.

  2. Search for "SAML."

  3. Choose SAML Test Connector (Advanced) OneLogin, Inc. and add it.

  4. Go to Configuration and create the following setup:


ACS (Consumer) URL Validator


ACS (Consumer) URL<UUID>/saml/

Login URL<UUID>/saml/

SAML nameID format


NameID Policy


SAML signature element

Both (Assertion and Response)

  1. Go to Parameters and create the following setup:



Include SAML assertion

First Name

First Name

Include SAML assertion

Last Name

Last Name

Include SAML assertion

  1. Save and move to Step 3.

Step 3: Configure Plecto

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Make sure the Enable SSO option is checked.

  3. Choose With metadata file.

  4. SAML metadata URL: Use the Issuer URL from OneLogin. You can find it in OneLoginSSOIssuer URL, and it should look like the following:

  5. Allow SAML provisioning: If enabled, employees with access to SSO will automatically be created when trying to log in to Plecto.

  6. Click Save to finish.