What Plecto widgets are supported?
iPhones on iOS 16 or later allow adding Plecto widgets to your iPhone's lock screen. The widget menu is the same as for home screen, where we currently support the following widgets:
Number box
Line & Area charts
Column chart
Pie chart
Charts are sometimes displayed as text on the lock screen due to how simple the widgets are supposed to be. In that case, they will show the name and most recent value.

How to add widgets to Lock Screen
It only takes a few seconds to add lock screen widgets on your iPhone. Here's how:
Tap and hold your lock screen for two seconds.
Click Customize to edit your lock screen.
Tap in one of the available areas. A menu will appear at the bottom.
Select Plecto from the list.
Choose the widgets you want to see on your lock screen. This will add a widget placeholder.
Tap on each of the placeholders to choose your dashboard and a widget.
Once you're finished, tap Done in the top-right corner.
Can't see Plecto on the list?
Apple seems to have some trouble displaying apps in the menu. Make sure you have the latest version of Plecto. If you still can't see the app, try deleting and reinstalling Plecto on your phone. We know it's not ideal, but it will fix the issue.