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Adding teams to registrations in your data sources

Important to know!
  • Adding a team to a data source registration is optional, but if added, that team will become the primary reference for that registration, even if the person shown in the Employee field belongs to a different team.

  • When filtering data by teams (on dashboards, reports, contests, notifications), teams added to data source registrations take priority over any other team configurations not attached to registrations.

Here’s an example:

👉 Joan is added to a team Team Joan.
👉 Sophia is added to a team Team Sophia.

🚀 Joan adds a registration to a data source, but in the Team field selects Team Sophia.

What data will we see on the dashboard?

  • If no team filters are added, the dashboard will show Joan’s registration.

  • If the dashboard is filtered by Team Sophia, we will see Joan’s registration (even though Joan isn’t part of that team).

  • If the dashboard is filtered by Team Joan, we won’t see Joan’s registration because the registration belongs to Team Sophia.

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