Step 3: Add streaming widgets to a dashboard

  1. Open a dashboard or create a new one.

  2. Click Add widget and select one of the streaming widgets.

  3. Drag the widget onto the dashboard and configure the settings:

    1. (Optional) Title: Enter a title in the widget header. For example, Reception or Customer Support.

    2. Data source: Select your streaming data source.

    3. Dimension: Choose the phone number whose metrics you want to see.

    4. Metric: Select either Calls in queue or the Longest waiting time in queue.

    5. (Optional) Target value: Manually add a target value.

    6. Number formatting: Calls in queue = Decimal number, Longest waiting time in queue = Duration.

    7. (Optional) Conditional colors: Make the widget automatically change color to see if you're on track with the target.

  4. Click Save to finish.