Playing notification sounds on Sonos

Plecto has different notification actions, which means that whenever a notification triggers, you will get notified based on what notification actions you selected.

To play a sound through Sonos, all you have to do is create a notification in Plecto and add your Sonos credentials by signing in to your Sonos account.

How to connect Sonos to Plecto

  1. Go to Notifications and create a new notification or open an existing one.

  2. Scroll down to the notification actions are and select Play sound on Sonos.

  3. Click the ➕ button to add new credentials. Plecto will ask you to sign in to your Sonos account.

  4. Click Next, then Continue, then sign in.

  5. Plecto will ask for permission to control your Sonos system. Click Okay to grant permission.

  6. Make sure your Sonos is ready to connect, then choose a speaker from the list. If no speakers appear on the list, click the two arrows on the right to refresh the list.

  7. Choose a notification sound.

  8. (Optional) Set the speaker volume. The default volume is 50%.

  9. To finish, click Save in the bottom-right corner.

Your Sonos is now connected to Plecto! You can test the notification to make sure that everyone can be part of the celebration! 🎉