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Step 1: Find an access token in Relatel

  1. Log into your Relatel account.

  2. Go to Min profil by clicking your name in the top-right corner.

  3. Choose Applikationer from the menu.

  4. Click on the Generer access token button.

  5. Save the credentials. You will have to use them in Step 2.

Step 2: Integrate Relatel with Plecto

  1. In Plecto, go to Data management > Data sources+ New data sourceRelatel.

  2. (Optional) Rename your credentials.

  3. Insert the access token you generated in Relatel and click Next.

  4. Select the data you want to import to Plecto and configure the data source settings.

    1. Note on Reception Calls. When configuring, tick both checkboxes (like in the image above). Plecto will then create one data source for one employee and display the employee's outgoing calls together with everyone's incoming calls. Read more below.

  5. Click Next to choose how much data to import and how long you want to keep it in the data source.

  6. Click Import to finish.

Reception Calls: Import incoming and outgoing calls

When you add Reception Calls, it's possible to configure an import of both the incoming and outgoing calls from Relatel.

However, it is not possible to have all outgoing and incoming calls gathered in a single data source due to limitations from Relatel that have been implemented to comply with the Danish telecommunications legislation.

Here's what you need to know
  • If you want to import only incoming calls, it's enough to select Reception Calls data and move on. Once added, the data source will contain all the information on incoming calls for all employees.

  • If you want to import both the incoming and outgoing calls, you need to create a new data source for each employee you plan to track. Plecto will then create a data source for the selected employee whose access token you used to connect data from Relatel.

    The data source will include information on all the incoming calls for all employees and information on outgoing calls for the configured employee.

Available data

Our integration with Relatel currently allows you to import the following data:

  • Reception Calls

  • Smileys

  • Status – This is a streaming data type. To add streaming data, contact to enable this feature for you.

Practical tips

  • You can choose to filter the information in your data source to only see the registrations for the outgoing calls you have imported. To filter, open the data source and click Filters in the top-right. From there, click on the Direction filter and type in "outgoing" to see the outgoing call registrations.

  • We suggest including the employee name you're importing outgoing calls for in the data source title. It will allow you to find your metrics easier when creating formulas. You can change the data source title in its settings.