Safety measures

We take data protection and privacy extremely seriously. Everyone at Plecto is required to take a series of measures to make sure that both your and our data are always safe:

  • Only selected people at Plecto have access to our databases.

  • We separate your metadata from the contents of your data sources in two different databases, making it impossible to get your data without breaching both systems.

  • You can disable the possibility for Plecto's support staff to access your account entirely. If you want to change your organization settings, navigate to the Settings page.

  • Should you decide to cancel your account, we will delete all data (except your subscription history and billing information) on the first Saturday after 14 days of your account being closed.

  • We do not transfer or share your data with anyone.

  • We store the data you share with us until you delete it yourself or delete your account.


Plecto resides in Denmark within the European Union and must therefore adhere to the European GDPR that came into effect on May 25th 2018. We are fully compliant with GDPR and offer the following measures:

  • Custom data retention per data source (e.g. delete call logs after 3 months).

  • Anonymize employees when they quit (keep data, but without any personal relatable information).

If you feel that your use-case of Plecto means we must implement more measures, we'd like to talk to you! Contact us as soon as possible: