Step 1: Create an App in Spotify
To integrate your Spotify account with Plecto, you need to provide a Client ID and Client Secret. To get these credentials, create an app in Spotify that's intended for use with Plecto.
Go to https://developer.spotify.com/ and log in with your Spotify account.
Go to the dashboard in https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard and click the Create an App button.
Add the app name and description, for example: Plecto
Under Redirect URI, add this link: https://integrate.plecto.com/oauth2/spotify/v1/callback/
Select Web API under Which API/SDKs are you planning to use? s
Agree to Spotify's terms of service and click Save.
Now, you'll find your Client ID and Client Secret by clicking Settings in the top-right corner.
Open Plecto in a new tab and go to Step 2.

Step 2: Integrate Spotify with Plecto
Go to Data sources > New data source > Spotify.
Enter your Client ID, Client Secret and click Next.
Click Agree to allow Plecto to read your Spotify data.
Configure your data source settings. Here, you can change the title, choose the default date, select which fields to import, and more.
ClickΒ NextΒ to choose how much data to import and how long you want to keep it in the data source.
ClickΒ ImportΒ to finish.
Available data
Our integration with Spotify currently allows you to import the following data:
Recently played