Step 1: Create a blank report
Go to Reports > New report.
Name your report.
Available for: Select who can access the report:
Everyone: Give viewing access to everyone in the organization.
Me and admins: Give viewing access to yourself, organization admins and those who have permission to View all reports.
Me, admins, and..: Gives viewing access to yourself, admins, those with permission to View all reports, and select teams. The teams will have viewing access, but they will not be able to edit the report (unless some team members have admin access).
Show data for: Choose specific teams or employees and create a report based on their data.
Click Confirm to finish and create a blank report.

Step 2: Add widgets and KPIs to the report
Once you've created a report, you can start adding widgets. There are 8 different widgets you can choose from.
Click Add widget in your report.
Choose a widget from the menu. A slide-in menu will appear on the right.
Enter a widget title and choose a time period.
Click Add KPI to add a formula. The maximum number of KPIs you can add to a single widget is 20. You can further customize the KPI by selecting a drill-down option.
(Optional) Title: The KPI titles are displayed as legend texts on charts and as row titles on tables.
KPI: Choose a formula. Here you can also edit the formula or create a new one.
Drill down by: Filter your metrics by specific parameters such as teams, stage, status, etc. The drill-down options are based on the fields available in your data source.
Group by: Each widget offers different grouping options. If you select Time, your data will be grouped based on the selected time period. If you group by KPIs, you will see each added KPI as a separate unit on the chart.
(Optional) Accumulate: The widget will add up your data.
(Optional) Compare to: Compare your data to a different time period or, in some cases, a target KPI.
Filter data by: Show data for specific teams or employees.
Click Save changes to finish and create the widget.
Once the widget is ready, you can click on the legends to hide or show data or click on the data points to see your KPI details.